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What name is given to the disease?

• ME is preferred by the patients
• CFS is used by all institutions in Belgium
• CFS is used by psychiatrists and other health professionals.

The diagnostic codes being used are:
• Fukuda criteria
• The government is waiting for NICE to review their guidelines!

Estimated numbers of patients

• Estimates used are 20.000 to 40.000 patients

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Status of recognition

• They do not recognise diseases in Belgium only the level of disability
• Strong lobby from University of Gent, University of Leuven might be changing
• They try to push Burn-out in Belgium

Specialism used to treat ME

• Internal Medicine, Psychiatry look at it from the CBT and GET perspective.
• Professionals who look at it seriously are usually doctors in private practises. E.g. Endocrinology

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Average time before diagnosis

• varies from 6 months to years

Guidelines used

• Fukuda criteria
• The government is waiting for NICE to review their guidelines!

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Disability status of patients

• We have a fairly good social system but not for ME/CFS patients because they are considered not ill enough! Therefore, they bounce back and forth from sickness benefits, disability benefits to unemployment due to health.

Other Observations

• Some psychiatrists are making sure people receive their benefits and are protected by the system.
• Budget cuts are causing difficult situations.
• Unions, who are supposed to help patients get their rights and benefits, tell patients that they do not have to go to court because they will lose.
• Our health system is going to be reformed.

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